Thursday, January 30, 2014

Time Machine

Marcus and Miranda talked about using a time machine. Do you think time machines will play a part later on in the story? How?


  1. Yes i think that it will come back up because they first started talking about and then they talked about it again. I think they will talk about the machine again when they find out who "you" is.

  2. No, because she said ''Let's Say'' and usually when people say ''lets say'' they are just trying to come up with something.

  3. No, because this story sounds pretty real and a time machine would be kind of crazy and I don't think would go with the book. But if there was then it would be hard to explain and tell such a big thing, when we have a little less than half of the book left.

  4. I think that it will because I think that they actually will build the time machine and they will use it.

  5. I don't think so because eight its their imagination later on the book probably won't mention it because their just kids and they don't even have a blue print

  6. I think that Time Machines will be in the story later on and will take them to the future, I dont know what else to say
