Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wrap Up

What did you think about this book? What was/were your favorite part(s)? Would you recommend it to a friend?


  1. I thought that this was a very good adventure and action book. my favorite part was when Henry and Delilah were on the mountain by them self. I would defiantly recommend this to my friends.

  2. My favorite par t about the book was when Deliah fell in the canyon and Henery kept finding all this stuff like the bones of the horse and the saddle bag also when Henery found all the stuff in the saddle bag like the spanish coins and the map, money. I

  3. I think the book was awesome and that it was fun to read.
    I would recommend it to a friend.
    My favorite pert was when Henry found all those bones in the canyon.
    I also think that some of the bones belonged to other people.

  4. I liked this book a lot. It had a really great story and how it could actually happen in real life. My favorite part was when Delilah was at the Barkers house when she returned Josie. She acted all innocent and angel like. I would recommend it to a friend. Definitely if they loved twists!

  5. I did like this book because, I love mysteries and this was definitely a mystery. My favorite part was when Delilah wouldn't give back the cat. She was being very stubborn.

  6. The book is okay, I've definetly read better. I think that the part where they were drawing the missing cat sign was my favorite part, "It's Josie." "No, it's a cow" I'm not sure if I would recommend it or not, I'm kind of in the middle weither I liked it or not.

  7. This was a really good book, not the best one i have ever read, but still a really good book. I would reccomend it to a freind. My favorite part was when they found the map because It was in a dramatic and scary moment covered in mystery.

  8. I liked this book because it is really great i like the author's wording and details i also like how the author surprised us and gave like a little tingly feeling.

  9. I thought it was the best book I have ever read so far. I like it when Delilah came in and at first they hated her and then like the next day they were all friends.And yes, I would recommend it to be a friend, Well, I guess. I also liked when they first went up there because, they found three skulls and that lead it to the whole mystery. Why were they up there? How did they die? How did they get there? Why did those people go up there? WHats gonna happen to us? and the biggest one, Whats gonna happen now?

  10. I liked this book a lot it really kept you thinking of what when are they okay and things like that. My favorite part was when they where talking about the girl getting lost and the search parties because i could relate to it.I would totally recommend this to a friend because it keeps you thinking!
